Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21st, 2017

Hello everybody,

This week was pretty chill. We did have some good visits and we have a baptism this week on Saturday. We visited that guy that we found that said he had never talked with the missionaries before and we had a really good visit. He had a lot of questions and doubts but we were able to resolve a few of them and help him understand a little bit better. We talked about the Bof M and he told us he would have to read it to know. We invited him to pray to know if it was true, he also said he was going to go to church but it rained super hard Sunday morning and when it rains here no one does anything so he didn't go but its fine.

I don't know if i mention Ivan, he is the brother of a recent convert here and he came up to us and told us he wanted to get baptized. So this Saturday he is going to get baptized. He is super cool, he understands everything and he goes to index whenever he has time, he reads the BofM everyday and is only 13 years old. I'm super pumped for him because he is super cool.

I was reading the BofM this morning and I read a scripture that i really like in 1 Nefi 15:24

24 And I said unto them that it was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.

I like his verse because its so clear, if we read and live the word of God we will never perish, we will have the power to overcome temptation and to be happy in our lives, to strengthen our testimony of the Gospel and to know what and how to live our lives.Thats my little thought of the day.
I love you all and hope you all have a sick Presidents Days hahaha and a sick week. I love you all.

Love Elder Crisp

(this is a random picture in the middle of nowhere, I look like I'm sagging but I'm not)

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13th, 2017

Hello everybody,

This week was pretty crazy. We honestly didnt get too much time to work because we had to move, so we were stuck in that for a few days , but lucily in the time that we worked we were able to find a few more people to teach. We basically just contacted for the time that we had. But there realy isnt anything to share.

I read a verse this week in 1 Nefi that i really liked, in 17:13:
13 And I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by Me that ye are led.

I love this verse because like it says, He will be our light. If were are always trying to do the right thing, He will guide to where we need to go and we will recognize that it was Him that lead us there, that He is the one that we need to depend on not ourselves. Just a quick though haha.
Sorry this was a lot worse then the rest of my letters but there really wasnt much to share. But something cool, i met a monkey the other day.

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6th, 2017

Buenos dìas,

This week was a really good week. We had a lot of success finding new people to teach this week. We contacted 2 brothers that were sitting on their porch fixing their motorcycles and we started to ask them a few questions. They told us that they had heard a lot about us but that they never had the opportunity to talk with the missionaries. They had a bunch of questions and we were able to answer them and have a quick lesson with them right there on their porch. They seemed super interested and told us to come back today, so we are going to visit them later and see how it goes. We also found another family that's seems pretty interested. We taught them about the Restoration and we kind of found that they don't really have a strong christian background so we taught them about the Atonement and they liked it a lot. They also told us to come back this week.

We also had a baptism this week of Danny Paz. It was really cool because a bunch of people went from the branch and he bore a super cool testimony at the end about how the Gospel had changed his life. The spirit was super strong in his baptism and the Branch President gave a super good talk too. Overall is was just a super sick experience.

That's about it from this week. Have a good week everybody. I love you alllll!!!
Love Elder Crisp