How's everyone doing? Everything is good down here in Bolivia. This week it got super cold and its been raining non stop so its been good. Its not hot and humid anymore here so I'm happy for that. But the bad part of all that is that my area is compleetly flooded and everything is wet. And that makes it hard to work because there's no way to get to some of the people because the paths are all impassable. But we were able to visit Alfredo and Dayana this week. I don't remember if I've mentioned them before but they are super cool. We've been teaching them for a little bit and we've focused on the BofM with them. We've read with them a bunch and they feel good about it, and this week we read 3 Nefi 11. The spirit was super strong and I'm positive they felt it too. We invited them to pray like always and they said they would.
Alicia, Enrique's mom, finished the BofM this week and she loved the end of Moroni and Eter and all that. She told us that she was going to start to read the Bible and BofM and compare them. She told us that she was going to go to church next week so I'm pumped for that. Enrique got sustained and ordained as an Elder yesterday too in the stake conference, and he is super excited now to do everything. Presidente Cabezas gave a talk in the conference and he talked about those that are preparing to serve a mission so Enrique was super happy haha.
This week is cambios so well see if i stay here, I honestly have no idea if I'm going to stay or go but i would honestly be pretty happy with either.
Today i was reading the BofM in Ether and i liked a part in Chapter 2:25 The bro of jared is talking with the Lord about having light in the boats, and i love what the Lord tells him
25 And behold, I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come." I like how he tells him first that he cant do anything without the Lord and that they would get to the promised land without him, but then i like the question He asks him. "Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you that ye may have light when ye are swallowed up in the depths of the sea?" He asks what the bro of Jared wanted Him to do to for him and his family and the Lord was willing to give the bro of Jared whatever he asked. God is completely willing to help us with our desires and wants and if we follow his commandments and build our lives how he wants like the bro of Jared built the boats, the Lord with give us what we need to fulfill our goals.
That's all i have for this week. I love you all. Have a good week.
Love Elder Crisp
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