Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16th, 2015

So this week was a little bit more normal. The weather was just super hot and humid. And The teaching was a lot better this week. Our investigsator Claudia came back from her trip and we had a lesson this week. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and told her to read it and pray about it and she said she would. She hasnt not kept her commitments since we started teaching her so im pretty sure shell get an answer. There is another lady here that got baptized a few monthes before i got here but her husband didnt. They started  teaching him a few weeks before i got here. Hes super cool he goes to church every week he basically just needs to be baptized. We have a lesson with him tonight so well see how that goes.
     I also had my first intercambio (i honestly cant remeber what its called in english) and it was pretty sweet. I went with one of the Zone Leaders, Elder Escobar. It went really well because we taught like 6 lessons. Me and Elder Carver have never had more than 4 lessons in a day so it was a good experience. That was on Tuesday and the rest of the week was pretty chill. 
    Thats all I have for this week. Hope you all have a good week. 
Love Elder Crisp (the only one now :( 

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